7 Facts About Coffee That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup

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Beethoven used to prepare his morning brew with 60 coffee beans every day, while Voltaire enjoyed up to 50 cups daily and lived to the age of 83. This makes us wonder whether a coffee addiction has its merits after all.

Bright Side has come across 7 compelling reasons why reaching for a cup of coffee right now might be worth it. And as an added bonus, we have a refreshing summer coffee cocktail recipe for you to try.

Boosted brain performance


It is widely known that coffee enhances focus, wakefulness, and attention, but that’s not the only benefit. Consuming coffee with added sugar can temporarily improve cognitive function, as the blend of caffeine and glucose stimulates specific areas of the brain. However, it’s important to avoid consuming coffee on an empty stomach as it will have the opposite effect.

Increased blood pressure


A small serving of coffee can assist in addressing episodes of low blood pressure. Nevertheless, it is advisable for people displaying symptoms of rapid heart rate and elevated resting pulse after drinking coffee to refrain from consuming it. On the other hand, individuals with high blood pressure can continue to enjoy their coffee, as their bodies adjust to the stimulus and no longer respond by elevating their blood pressure over time.

Stronger immune system


Multiple researchers from various countries have concluded that consuming coffee can decrease the likelihood of premature death. The greater the daily coffee intake, the lower the associated risk, as coffee has been shown to fortify and enhance the immune system. Additionally, it aids in improving the health of the liver, heart, and digestive system. Opt for freshly ground coffee over instant coffee when possible, as the latter tends to contain fewer nutrients and more chemical additives that may harm your digestive organs.

Cure for headache


The caffeine found in natural coffee may provide relief for headaches and migraines, although its efficacy cannot match that of painkillers. Painkillers are more potent due to their inclusion of caffeine, which increases the overall effectiveness of their other components by 40%.

Reduced stress and depression


Coffee is known to alleviate stress thanks to its ability to trigger the release of dopamine and serotonin, inducing a positive mood. Just a cup or the aroma of coffee can have a calming effect on your nerves. In addition, caffeine, a common stimulant of the central nervous system (CNS), plays a key role in warding off depression. Interestingly, the caffeine in coffee is more effective in stimulating the CNS compared to the caffeine found in tea, soda, or chocolate.

Better memory


The caffeine and brain chemicals derived from coffee not only enhance your mood and efficiency but also enhance your memory. However, this effect is limited to your short-term memory. Nonetheless, this is beneficial since all data is first stored as short-term memory and only transitions to long-term memory after about an hour under certain conditions.

Lower weight


At last, achieving your weight loss goals may be possible. Coffee has the potential to prevent and shed extra pounds. When the hormone leptin levels are low, your body tends to store fat, leading to weight gain. Conversely, coffee has been shown to boost hormone levels in the body. This is why regular coffee drinkers tend to gain weight more slowly and experience better outcomes from exercise.



There are plenty iced coffee recipes available, yet there are also straightforward methods to make it.

Make your favorite coffee.
Let it cool off, then fill an ice cube tray with the coffee. Place it in the freezer.
On a hot day, simply add the coffee cubes to a glass of milk.
The simplest coffee cocktail is ready!

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1 thought on “7 Facts About Coffee That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup”

  1. So are you saying if you have a rapid heartbeat you shouldn’t drink it? And does drinking coffee give some people rapid heartbeat?
    Also do you get the same benefits when you add cream or milk?


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